Why spend money on a rented billboard when you already own your vehicle? Vehicle wraps are an extremely effective way to get your business noticed. Anywhere you go, your message goes, too! Use your advertising dollars smarter– run your errands and market your business at the same time.
Frequently Asked Questions about Vehicle Wrapping
Why wrap?
Business vehicles with lettering and graphics work for some people– they get the job done of announcing your business. But when you don't want to be missed, wrapping your entire vehicle is equivalent to screaming out your message while everyone else is whispering theirs. It's not for everyone– only if you want to be noticed!
What should I wrap my vehicle with?
If your business vehicle is part of a large corporate fleet, you may already have graphics available for use. If you are the business owner, let our graphics department create eye-catching graphics that will grab the public's attention, no matter where you go. Whether you have a car, van, truck, or semi that you'd like to wrap, we can handle it!
How long does the vehicle wrap process take?
The part of the process that we enjoy is the development of the concept that will go on the vehicle. The length of this process depends on how much direction you already have for the graphics. After the graphic stage is finalized and we enter production, it takes between 5 to 10 days to have the wrap fully installed.
Can the wrap be removed later?
Absolutely! The wrap is actually stacked to the vehicle using heat and pressure-sensitive adhesives that can be reactivated by our installers. The removal process is very short.
How long will the wrap stay on my vehicle?
Normally, a wrap can stay between 4 to 6 years on the vehicle depending on the treatment that is given to it.
Can I pressure wash my vehicle after the vinyl is installed?
We highly recommend NOT pressure washing the vehicle after installation of the vinyl. Some pressure washers can lift up the vinyl because of improper use of the water pressure. The wrap is an investment to your marketing and advertising strategy and thus it should be protected.
Should I wash my vehicle before installation?
Yes. All vehicles have to be free of dust, mud, pollen, and other agents that may slow down the installation process.
How long do you need my vehicle for installation?
Installation normally takes between one and two days, depending on how much coverage has to be applied.
Can Sunset Tint & Sign help my business design the graphics?
Absolutely! That is, in fact, our strength. Our customers communicate to us what they want to see in terms of design. Then they supply us with their logos, photos, and other supporting images, and we create the graphics in a format that best fits the vehicle. Most commonly, our clients have photos or images that they want to display on the wrap and we can use them. There are other cases in which our clients have to purchase photos for their campaign.